Website Fellowship Bible Church
Job Description:
Fellowship Bible Church is a non-denominational church with average attendance between 351-500. We are seeking an Associate Pastor of Worship to organize, lead, and develop the worship ministries of Fellowship Bible Church. Our Associate Pastor of Worship will work with our team of dedicated volunteers and other pastoral and support staff to foster a culture of God-honoring, biblically-based, gospel-centered worship.
- As a pastor of FBC he must meet the qualifications set out in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
- He must be spiritually mature.
- He should be humble, discerning, detail-oriented, and team-oriented in his approach to ministry as well as being a person who can both provide and follow leadership.
- He must possess excellent musical and vocal abilities, administrative skills and leadership competencies to lead worship, build teams, teach skills, and shepherd people.
- He must be committed to ongoing growth in faith, biblical and theological literacy, and personal and professional development.
- Some form of musical training (formal or informal) with previous worship leading experience is required.
Essential Roles and Responsibilities Include:
- Organize and oversee corporate worship services.
- Lead corporate weekend worship services.
- Plan worship service elements (songs, prayers, readings, etc.) in coordination with Lead Pastor’s direction on the sermon or other important liturgical elements.
- Coordinate worship services with technical teams (ProPresenter, audio/video).
- Oversee production of online worship service content (YouTube, Facebook).
- Create worship schedules and set lists for all services and special events in Planning Center, and utilize click and loop tracks for those services, as needed.
- Manage and expand the repertoire of congregational worship songs and arrangements, including original songs/arrangements, if possible.
- Ensure adequate equipment is provided for all aspects of the worship ministry.
Lead Worship Volunteer Teams
- Lead and shepherd worship team volunteers.
- Oversee and direct worship team rehearsals.
- Identify, recruit, and develop leaders, musicians, vocalists, and tech team members.
- Cast the vision to the worship volunteers and champion worship throughout the church, particularly as it relates to music.
Other Pastoral Responsibilities
- Participate in the overall ministry of FBC through shepherding and providing pastoral care alongside the Lead Pastor and elders
- Provide leadership and oversight of other aspects of ministry at FBC, based on personal gifting, passion, and availability.
To Apply
For inquires contact chrisb@gardnerfbc.org; to apply click Apply Here