Website Salina Heights Christian Church

About Us

The congregation of Salina Heights Christian Church (SHCC) is seeking God ‘s will for a senior pastor to join us in fulfilling the Great Commission. We desire a candidate that has a passion for the lost, making disciples, and shepherding our congregation to have a closer relationship with Christ.

Salina Heights Christian Church (SHCC) is an independent restoration movement Christian church that believes it should carry out the Great Commission of making disciples of Jesus Christ through immersion and discipleship of the lost both here and around the world.


Our Future

Our five-year goal is to bring more lives to Christ by us learning to be intentionally bold in seeking out the lost in our community, having conversations that lead us to presenting the saving knowledge of Christ resulting in growing God ‘s kingdom. Our facility has ample space to grow our ministries. We are excited to see what God has planned for the future.



A degree from a restoration Christian college or an accredited Bible College or Seminary. Preferred, degrees in preaching, theological or pastoral ministries. Experience could be considered in lieu of a degree.


  • Spirituality
    • In-depth Bible knowledge/Ability to apply the Bible to daily living/Experience sharing the Gospel.
    • Spiritually alive/Christ-like/Strong faith/Genuine/Sincere. Preaches and lives the Gospel by example.
    • A pastoral heart/Loves and cares for people.
  • Personal Skills
    • Preaching the majority of the calendar year.
    • Teaching when appropriate.
    • Patient/Compassionate/Empathetic/Thoughtful/Genuine.
    • Friendly/People person/Caring and loving personality.
    • Enthusiastic/Outgoing/Self-confident/Optimistic.
    • Good listener/Communicator
    • Sense of humor/Casual/Approachable.
  • Leadership Qualities
    • Ability to articulate clear vision for the church.
    • Lead with the Elders, facilitate monthly Elder meetings, and other meetings as needed.
    • Direct Ministry Leaders through encouraging, equipping, recruiting, and monthly meetings or one on one’s as needed.
    • Be available; set and maintain office hours.
    • Lead and discover new opportunities to serve and minister to the community.
    • Visit current and potential members/Visit members in medical settings.
    • Recruit and mentor people to call on members or others

The compensation package includes, but not limited to base salary, business expense reimbursement, continuing education and professional development. We will work with you on how you wish to allocate the salary for housing expenses, education, etc.


Church History

SHCC was founded in 1964 with the assistance of Christian Evangelizing Association (CEA). It was the first Christian church plant in Salina. SHCC flourished and was instrumental in planting a second Christian church in 1999 with the assistance of CEA. In 2019, SHCC began to have some struggles and Satan used this to create divisions. This led to our senior pastor resigning in February 2023, followed by our youth pastor resigning in May 2023. At this low point in the life of SHCC, God has inspired individuals to step up and fill positions voluntarily that they would not have done otherwise. This has strengthened our faith that God is in control. We are excited to see what God ‘s plan is for the future of SHCC.


Congregational Connections
  • Sunday 9 AM classes for most ages
  • Sunday 10:30 AM corporate worship
  • Wednesday 6:45 PM youth group
  • Each week we have three small groups that meet at various times and places.
Missions Connections

We are a major contributor to Gregory and Rondy Ohrenberg through Partners Across Cultures. We also support FAME, Rapha International, Salina Shares, and Compassion International on a smaller scale. In addition, we financially support our college students who attend a restoration movement Bible college.


By The Numbers

Currently we have two elders, two part-time paid staff members, and over twenty other volunteers who serve the needs of the church body. This includes but is not limited to caring for the day-to-day operations of our facility, leading worship, and meeting the personal needs of our congregation. Currently, our Sunday attendance average is 45-55. The age span of our worship service attendees is 0-90, but we are an older congregation as a whole. Between our three small groups that meet during the week, our attendance is around 30. SHCC has been debt-free since 2007 with an average annual budget of $181,600.00.


Demographics of Salina, Kansas

Salina is a city of about 50,000 people with the average age being 39. Salina sits in the center of the state with two major interstates. We have Kansas Wesleyan University, KU School of Medicine-Salina, K-State University-Salina Aerospace and Technology, and Salina Area Technical College. Fifty percent of the population do not affiliate with any church group. Many of our local companies are expanding and creating more job opportunities. Families are moving in from many other states to make Salina their home. Salina is a smaller city with the conveniences of a big city.


To Apply

If interested, please send a cover letter, resume and references to