Website First Baptist Church

Job Description

First Baptist Church of McPherson, KS is looking for a youth minister to join our team! We are seeking someone who loves Jesus and students. This person will be entrusted with overseeing the youth ministries of the church. The Youth Minister will shepherd the Middle School and High School students through an incarnational ministry, getting involved in students’ lives by teaching, disciplining, evangelizing, training, counseling, and providing pastoral care.

  • Carrying out the church’s policies and program of the youth ministry for grades 6-12.
  • The youth minister(leader) will work weekly with other staff.
  • Accessing youth needs and working closely with the Senior Pastor and Youth Board, for the purpose of planning and administering the youth ministry of the church.
  • Develop and administer:
    • The evaluation of the youth ministry of the church, and present recommendations for new and innovative programs.
    • Goal-setting for the youth ministry, consistent with the overall church goals, while maintaining the appropriate balance of evangelism and discipleship.
    • The youth portion of the church budget.
  • Give overall direction to all youth functions (e.g. Wednesday and Sunday evening meetings, Sunday School, mission trips, and camps) which include:
    • Recommendations for the selection, planning and evaluation of curriculum.
    • Room assignments, in cooperation with the Youth Board and Christian Ed. Deacon, and other facility users.
    • Oversight of the organization and training, as deemed necessary, for mission trips, camps and other activities.
  • Coordination of youth minister(leader) -directed programs and plans (e.g. youth musicals, recognition, reports, and participation in worship services) with the church ministry, other ministries, and the ACC (All Church Council) as appropriate.
  • Establish leadership for the youth ministries by:
    • Recruiting, training and counseling youth sponsors.
    • Evaluating youth sponsors.
  • Work in cooperation with youth and their parents by:
    • Visiting youth (e.g. in their homes and by attending activities) on a regular basis.
    • Provide counseling for both, according to their needs and the youth pastor’s (leader) skill level.
    • Providing meetings as necessary, but at least semi-annually with the parents of youth in order to seek guidance and share concerns, accomplishments and details of upcoming events.
  • Will assist in providing a friendly and welcoming environment by presenting yourself to members and guests in a positive manner.
  • Reports
    • Communicating the youth program to the congregation at business meetings.
    • Preparation, attendance, and representation of the youth ministry at all staff meetings.
    • Attend monthly ACC meetings and give report on youth program.
    • Serve as an ex officio member of All Church Council.
    • Serve as ex officio member of the Youth Board, and work with the chairperson, in reporting monthly activities and establishing agendas.
  • Cooperates with community, denomination and interdenominational projects relating to the youth ministry, whenever possible and beneficial.
  • Continues personal growth through scheduling time for study, personal devotions, conference enrichment, renewal experiences, and vacation.
Key Qualifications & Skills
  • Before receiving their position, the youth minister(leader) received and responded to the Lord’s invitation to follow Him as a Christian.
  • The youth minister(leader) will seek to abide in the presence, guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit while educating young people with the Gospel of Jesus.
  • The youth minister is accountable to God, derives authority from God’s call, and is God’s spokesperson and must profess agreement with FBC’s doctrinal statement.
  • The youth minister(leader) will use all the enabling means of grace to grow as a Christian, and to develop their God-given gifts and their professional capabilities, skills, disciplines and standards.
  • A Bachelor’s degree is desired but not required. The candidate will be considered through an FBC interviewing process.
  • The youth minister(leader) will be encouraged to take adequate time to nurture themselves and/or their family.
  • The youth minister(leader) will be encouraged to fulfill their responsibilities as a citizen, relating as their time allows to the community.
  • The youth minister(leader) shall work with the Church Staff and be accountable to the senior Pastor and Youth Board.
  • Serve under and work with the Senior Pastor and the Youth Board.
  • Receive a bi-annual evaluation by the Senior Pastor, ACC, and Youth Board to evaluate strengths and weaknesses.
  • If aggrieved and not satisfied by the way their immediate supervisor has addressed the grievance, you may then go directly to the Senior Pastor.
  • If not satisfied by the way the Senior Pastor handled the grievance, you may then go directly to the Elder Board.
  • All issues of pay, vacation, sick leave, etc. will be handled as explained in the FBC Personnel Handbook.

This is a Full Time 40 hours per week.

To Apply

Interested individuals please send a resume to:
Or send to:

First Baptist Church
Attn: Youth Minister Search Committee
600 E Marlin St
McPherson KS 67460