
Estimated Cost of Attending MCC

2022-23 Tuition & Fees

Semester Year Credit Hour
Traditional Program
Full time (12-18 credit hours) $8,507 $17,014
1-11 credit hours or over 18 credits, per credit hour $705
Thunder Resource Fee (includes parking permit) $450 $900
Logos Software (one time charge –new students only) $325
Thunder Online Program
Thunder Online tuition $495
Thunder Online Technology fee $10
Part-Time Non-degree seeking
Tuition $325
Christian High School credit classes $150
Auditing a course, per course $200
Technology Fee $10
Housing & Dining Semester Year
10 meals per week $4,488 $8,976
15 meals per week $4,966 $9,932
Security Deposit $150
Optional & User Fees Semester Year Other
Parking permit (only required if not in the traditional program) $70
Late enrollment fee (per semester) $125
NelNet Tuition payment plan fee (per semester) $65
Individualized Instruction
(per month, in addition to regular tuition charge)
CPL Fee (per credit hour requested) $125
Graduation fee $50
Transcript fee $15


Estimated Yearly Costs

Full-time Tuition (12-18 hours) $17,014
Housing & Dining (10 meals/week) $8,976
Thunder Resource Fee (includes parking permit) $900
Additional costs will include books and living expenses. Tuition and fees are subject to change without prior notification. The college reserves the right to adjust pricing at any time without notice.

There are a number of financial assistance programs and scholarship opportunities that can make college very affordable.