To petition to graduate with an August conferral date, complete a Graduation Petition. For more information, visit the Registrar's Office.
New Student Enrollment Day is incoming freshmen and transfer students will enroll for the Fall 2019 semester. You will meet with your advisor, set up a class schedule, speak with a financial aid counselor and learn more about the opportunities at MCC.
New Student Enrollment Day is incoming freshmen and transfer students will enroll for the Fall 2019 semester. You will meet with your advisor, set up a class schedule, speak with a financial aid counselor and learn more about the opportunities at MCC.
To add a course without needing the professor’s signature, login to your Empower account by 5:00 pm.
To add a course without needing the professor’s signature, login to your Empower account by 5:00 pm.
To drop a course without a transcript entry, a student will need to complete an Add/Drop form with his/her advisor. Add/Drop forms can be picked up in the Registrar’s Office or with the advisor. All completed forms must be turned into the Registrar’s Office by 5:00 pm.
No classes scheduled for the day. Administrative offices closed.