Dr. Dave Henry - Pastoral Ministry and Social Justice

Dr. Dave Henry – Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Social Justice

MCC Start Date: January 2016

Academic History:

B.A., Ozark Christian College, 1995
Bachelor of Biblical Literature
M.A., Lincoln Christian University, 1998
Master of Arts in Christian Theology
DWS, Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies, 2012
Doctor of Worship Studies

Ecclesial Experience and/or Passions
Director of Discipleship and Strategic Development for Trash Mountain Project (2016-Present): TMP is an organization focused on creating Christ-centered environments for children and families living and working in trash dump communities worldwide.
Lead Pastor and Church Planter for New Community Christian Church (1998-2016): My wife and I planted New Community Christian Church in Salina, Kansas. Following its launch, I led the church as the lead pastor for 18 years.

Academic Interests and/or Areas of Expertise
Jesus and the Gospels
Social Justice and Christian Response
Theology of Worship
Pastoral Ministry
Church Planting