Church Leadership Seminar
Relevant Topic. Peer-Led. Learning Resource.
January 14, 2025
The problem for the church is real. More ministers are over the age of 50 than under the age of 50. Who is ready to step in and lead? What is the strategy for cultivating and encouraging someone to consider
the ministry as a profession?
Manhattan Christian College is partnering with Christian Church Pension Plan (ccpension.org) to present the practical steps that any congregation can do to mentor the leaders in their community with ministry potential.
Registration Includes hot lunch and snacks.
BOGO Pricing (Buy One, Get One)
$25 (1-2 people), $50 (3-4 people), $75 (5+ people)
Seminar Schedule:
Bring the team who will work together to create and help implement your congregation’s action plan.
8:30 Check-in/Coffee
9:00 Keynote 1
10:00 Break
10:15 Keynote 2
11:15 Networking Lunch
1:30 Keynote 3
1:45 Choice of Breakout
2:45 Q/A
3:00 Dismiss
This will be a strategic look at what is impacting church leadership and how the solution includes
congregations of every size and location.
Leadership Seminar History
Manhattan Christian College hosts a variety of events throughout the year to educate, equip, and enrich Christian leaders outside of the traditional classroom. The Leadership Seminar has been an outreach ministry of Manhattan Christian College since 2006. Each one is designed to provide practical information on current and future ministry issues facing today’s church leaders. The low registration price makes it possible for multiple people from the same congregation or ministry staff to attend together, i.e. lead pastors, elders, Sunday School teachers, church staff, and any ministry leader who relies on volunteers.
2024 Survive or Thrive Jimmy Dodd, Arthur Jackson, Clark Tanner
2023 Soul Strength Alan Ahlgrim
2022 Jump Start Gary Johnson, David Roadcup, Jim Estep
2021 Marriage + Ministry, Kevin and Lisa Ingram
2020 #defineyourleadership, Jeff Smith
2019 What’s Next?, Gary Johnson, David Roadcup, Jim Estep
2018 Reaching and Unleashing Baby Boomers, Amy Hanson
2017 Ministry Security Robert Johnson, Cody Langdon, Robert Wild
2016 Just Lead! Gary Johnson, David Roadcup, Jim Estep
2015 NexGen Jason Epperson, Youth Minister Lightning Talks
2014 The Healthy Elder Gary Johnson, David Roadcup, Jim Estep
2013 Stay Ready, Relevant, and Refreshed Todd Clark, Vince Antonucci
2012 Moving Forward in a Modern World Clark Tanner, Mont Mitchell
2011 The Good News in the Great Recession Clark Tanner, Mont Mitchell
2010 Building a 1st Century Church in the 21st Century Doug Wood, Chuck Terrill
2009 Building Bridges in Your Community Phil Alspaw, Doyle Roth
2008 The Sky’s the Limit Todd Hudson, Jerry Harris
2007 Foolish Leadership Jon Weece, Paul Williams
2006 Guerrilla Ministry Jon Weece, Barry McMurtrie
Typical Schedule:
8:30 Registration
9:00 Session 1
10:30 Break
10:45 Session 2
12:15 Lunch
1:30 Session 3
3:00 Break
3:15 Q/A
3:30 Dismiss
Leadership Seminar History
Manhattan Christian College hosts a variety of events throughout the year to educate, equip, and enrich Christian leaders outside of the traditional classroom. The Leadership Seminar has been an outreach ministry of Manhattan Christian College since 2006. Each one is designed to provide practical information on current and future ministry issues facing today’s church leaders. The low registration price makes it possible for multiple people from the same congregation or ministry staff to attend together, i.e. lead pastors, elders, Sunday School teachers, church staff, and any ministry leader who relies on volunteers.
2024 Survive or Thrive Jimmy Dodd, Arthur Jackson, Clark Tanner
2023 Soul Strength Alan Ahlgrim
2022 Jump Start Gary Johnson, David Roadcup, Jim Estep
2021 Marriage + Ministry, Kevin and Lisa Ingram
2020 #defineyourleadership, Jeff Smith
2019 What’s Next?, Gary Johnson, David Roadcup, Jim Estep
2018 Reaching and Unleashing Baby Boomers, Amy Hanson
2017 Ministry Security Robert Johnson, Cody Langdon, Robert Wild
2016 Just Lead! Gary Johnson, David Roadcup, Jim Estep
2015 NexGen Jason Epperson, Youth Minister Lightning Talks
2014 The Healthy Elder Gary Johnson, David Roadcup, Jim Estep
2013 Stay Ready, Relevant, and Refreshed Todd Clark, Vince Antonucci
2012 Moving Forward in a Modern World Clark Tanner, Mont Mitchell
2011 The Good News in the Great Recession Clark Tanner, Mont Mitchell
2010 Building a 1st Century Church in the 21st Century Doug Wood, Chuck Terrill
2009 Building Bridges in Your Community Phil Alspaw, Doyle Roth
2008 The Sky’s the Limit Todd Hudson, Jerry Harris
2007 Foolish Leadership Jon Weece, Paul Williams
2006 Guerrilla Ministry Jon Weece, Barry McMurtrie