Writing Resources

Writing Resources

These writing resources from various colleges and universities should be helpful to students in writing essays, preparing other kinds of written assignments and developing skills of self-expression.

MCC Bible-Theology Department Style Guideline

Writing Research Papers

Collected Advice on Research and Writing

How to Recognize Plagiarism, and Writing Tips to Help Avoid It

How Not to Plagiarize – from the University of Toronto

Writing in College: A short list of tips and tricks to effective college writing

10 Tips for Writing the Perfect Paper: A blog from the book, The Secrets of College Success

Research Skills & Resources from Purdue’s Online Writing Lab

A Guide for Writing Research Papers Based on MLA

APA Research Style Crib Sheet

Turabian Style Quick Guide, Except for a few minor differences, Turabian style is similar to The Chicago Manual of Style. However, while The Chicago Manual of Style focuses on providing guidelines for publishing in general, Turabian focuses on providing guidelines for student papers, theses and dissertations.

How to Study.org – It’s a proven fact that students cannot succeed academically without studying. Here are some helpful information about everything you need to know about study skills so you will learn how to manage time, take tests and notes, and write a good paper.

Copyright and Fair-Use Guides on the Web

A selection of free online advice for academics

Best Practices, from the American University Center for Social Media

Copyright and Fair Use, from the Stanford University Libraries

The Copyright Crash Course, from the University of Texas at Austin

Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States, from Cornell University

A Map of Use Issues, from the University of Minnesota

Fair Use Evaluator, from the American Library Association

Tales From the Public Domain: Bound By Law? A comic book from public domain scholars at the Duke University Law School