The faculty at Manhattan Christian College are Christ-followers, committed to preparing willing students who are being called to impact the world. These professors will become friends, mentors, and guides as you begin your academic journey. Review their complete biographies below to understand more about them and how they desire to come along side you during your walk.
Full Time Faculty Members

Bio & Credentials
Greg was born and raised in the Chicago area and is, by birth, a Chicago sports fan. He graduated with a B.A. in Church and Family Life and a M.A. in Counseling from Lincoln Christian University. He began his full-time teaching ministry at Manhattan Christian College in 1997, moving into the VPAA position in 2016. While at MCC, Greg graduated with a M.S. in Family Studies and earned his Ph.D. in Family Studies from Kansas State University, also becoming a K-State fan during this time. His research area has primarily been adoption, with a specific focus on adoptive identity. He completed a residency as a chaplain at The University of Kansas Health System in 2013. He is a board certified clinical chaplain, board certified pastoral counselor, certified clinical pastoral education (CPE) supervisor, and certified family life educator.
Greg has served as a youth minister, campus minister, hospital chaplain, and counselor within church, parachurch, and health-care organizations. He and his wife also served as foster parents for many years. He has been invited to speak on several different topics (family, leadership, adoption, cultural issues, worldview, education, counseling, chaplaincy, youth issues, small groups, theory, methodology, conflict resolution, sexuality, critical race theory, etc.) for various churches, parachurches, educational institutions, professional, and community organizations.
Greg is married to Julie (Johns), has three children, Ali (Joe Braun, son-in-law), Adam, and Dre, and two grandchildren, Alani and Aaliyah.
Ph.D. Family Studies Kansas State University; M.S. Family Studies Kansas State University; M.A. Counseling Lincoln Christian University; B.A. Christian Education/Church and Family Life Lincoln Christian University
Get to Know Greg
Favorite Scripture:
Phillippians 1:27
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?:
Speed so I could beat my son in a race, among other benefits.
The most important thing you want people to know about you?:
Although academic preparation and work history are usually the focus of these profiles, what is most important to me are faith, family, and future orientation.

Bio & Credentials
Dr. Cupery has a heart for students and for the nations. He has spent time overseas as a missionary, mobilized people into missions while on staff in local churches in the U.S., and spent time overseas with students. Dave’s focus is preparing students to work in cross or multi-cultural environments.
Dr. Cupery has taken multiple trips overseas with students. These trips have included working with local churches in Poland, Greece and Spain along with partnering with the Greek Evangelical Alliance to do relief work with refugees. Through these trips, teams have been able to work with more than 50 nationalities.
Dr. Cupery has a PhD in Leadership studies from Johnson University and more than 30 years of ministry experience
PhD in Leadership, Johnson University
Get to Know Dave
Favorite Scripture:
Right now, the book of Ephesians
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?:
The ability to speak any language at any moment.
Favorite Vacation Place:
Ice Fishing

Bio & Credentials
For the past seven years, I’ve loved teaching at MCC! The classroom is one of my favorite places to be because of the potential it holds for change. Prior to MCC, I pastored in Salina where Michelle and I planted New Community Christian Church in 1998. New Community is the place that formed me the most as a Christian. Along with MCC, I am blessed to serve with an international mission called Trash Mountain Project. Personally, Michelle and our two children, Meg and Dylan, completely have my heart. They are such beautiful gifts from God.
Doctor of Worship Studies; Master of Arts in Christian Theology; Bachelor of Biblical Literature
Get to Know Dave
Favorite Scripture:
Hebrews 4:15-16
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?:
The ability to speak with dogs. I really want to know what they are thinking!
The most important thing you want people to know about you?:
God has shown me that love costs much.

Bio & Credentials
Jason was ordained into Christian Ministry in 1996. He has served in a variety of roles in the local church: youth pastor, young adult pastor, discipleship pastor, and senior pastor in churches ranging in size from 75 to 6,000. He also has experienced church ministry in different regions of the country (Chicagoland, Denver, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kansas) and understands how “context” impacts ministry. This wide variety of hands-on experience with various age groups has made him passionate about teaching, spiritual formation, equipping, vision and leadership development. He has also been a Certified Spiritual Director since 2011. Jason is excited about pouring into the lives of students who are preparing for Kingdom Work and mentoring them to become effective and humble servants of the King.
B.C.E., Ozark Christian College, 1996 Bachelor of Christian Education: Youth Ministry Concentration M.A., Denver Seminary, 2011 Master of Arts in Christian Formation and Soul Care M.A. Project entitled: “Fortifying the Leader’s Soul,” a leadership seminar to address spiritual growth in leaders. D.Min., Denver Seminary, 2022 Doctor of Ministry, Leadership Track Thesis: Increasing Emotional Intelligence in College Youth Ministry Students Preparing for Ministry
Get to Know Jason
Three Favorite Movies:
1. Lord of the Rings
2. Star Wars
3. The Princess Bride
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?:
Spontaneous Combustion
The most important thing you want people to know about you?:
I desire to be surrendered to Jesus’ plan for my life.

Bio & Credentials
Genilyn McCaffrey serves as Professor of Bible at Manhattan Christian College. She holds degrees from Ozark Christian College (Bachelor of Biblical Literature), Lincoln Christian Seminary (Master of Divinity), and the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies (Doctor of Worship Studies). She has served in churches in Illinois and Kansas as worship minister and has been teaching in higher education since 2000. Dr. McCaffrey’s ministries have allowed her to teach, preach, and lead worship in churches and in a variety of seminars, conferences, and other functions. She is passionate about helping believers worship God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. She and her husband, Adam, have been married since 2006 and are the parents of son Zach (2009), daughter Campbell (2012), and one precious baby who is safe in the arms of Jesus.
Bachelor of Biblical Literature, Ozark Christian College, 1997; Master of Divinity, Lincoln Christian Seminary, 2006; Doctor of Worship Studies, Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies, 2012
Get to Know Genilyn
Three Favorite Movies:
1. The Sound of Music
2. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
3. Zombieland
Favorite Scripture:
Zephaniah 3:17
The most important thing you want people to know about you?:
I adore my family; I’m amazed that I’m getting to do my dream job; I think dogs are one of God’s finest creations; and I keep finding myself genuinely overwhelmed at the goodness and kindness of God. And I have a tendency to answer one-part questions with multiple answers.

Bio & Credentials
Brian began serving at MCC in 2008, right after telling God, “I’m not moving to Kansas!” Since then, he and his family have enjoyed making Manhattan their home. At MCC, Brian has found a place where his background in ministry and mental health merge. He has worked as an experiential therapist, counselor, children’s/youth minister, worship leader, and senior minister. Brian has taught college and seminary courses in spiritual formation, Christian education, children’s/family ministry, psychology, counseling, Bible, and Greek. His current research focus in on the experiences of person-group fit among ministerial staff teams. Brian serves as a worship leader on Sundays. He is a licensed professional counselor and works part-time at Cornerstone Family Counseling. He and his wife, Nikki, have been married since 2001 and have four boys born between 2002 and 2009. The family enjoys traveling and playing games together. They have one Jayhawk and one Wildcat in the family, so they have learned to cheer for both. During the school year you can catch Brian and Nikki at Manhattan High School football games (watching the marching band) and at wrestling, tennis, or track meets. Brian enjoys catching up with students, so stop by his office or invite him to get coffee (he will drink tea and probably pay).
Ph.D. in Psychology (ABD); D.Min., Spiritual Formation Emphasis ; MA in Counseling; M.Div., Pastoral Care and Christian Education Emphases
Get to Know Brian
Favorite Scripture:
John 1:14
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?:
The most important thing you want people to know about you?:
The older I get, the more I realize how dependent on God’s grace I am.

Bio & Credentials
B.A. in Bible and Preaching, Johnson University (2007); M.Div. in New Testament, Lincoln Christian University (2013); M.A. in Old Testament, Lincoln Christian University (2015); Ph.D. (ABD) in Old Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary
Get to Know Joe
4 Interesting facts:
I’m a big St. Louis Cardinals fan. I’ve broken nine bones. I won a “sandal kick” tournament in college. I once chopped down a tree in the middle of the night over a broken heart.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?:
The ability to stop time, so I can finish whatever I’m working on without missing out on what’s going on around me.
The most important thing you want people to know about you?:
Helping others have light-bulb moments is even more rewarding than having one yourself.

Bio & Credentials
With over 13 years of church ministry experience, Collin has a passion for serving the Church and training those who minister in all contexts. He has worked professionally for five years with Christ in Youth MOVE conferences across the United States and internationally with The International Church of Barcelona in Barcelona, Spain. Before joining the team at MCC, Collin served as the Associate and Worship Minister at Mount Pulaski Christian Church in Mount Pulaski, Illinois where he was ordained into Christian Ministry in July of 2022. Collin loves traveling, making music, good food, time with others, and speaking Spanish!
B.A., Manhattan Christian College, 2018 Worship Ministry and Intercultural Studies; M.A., Lincoln Christian University, 2020 Formative Worship; Delta Epsilon Chi Honor Society; The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies Award of Distinction
Get to Know Collin
Favorite Vacation Place:
Barcelona, Spain
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?:
The most important thing you want people to know about you?:
I love making new friends- stop by my office to say hello!

Bio & Credentials
Hi I’m Courtney! Organizational professional, moved to academia in pursuit of my passion and purpose to aid in developing authentic wholehearted leaders. (Leaders who are “all in” with their true self and their teams requiring courage, compassion, and a deep connection with both their faith and people.
I have a great love for self-development/leadership books, weight lifting, hiking, embracing sunsets/sunrise, coffee, my research work, and most of all the continuation to dig deep into my purpose, and my “why.”
My soul mate/husband is Steven, and is a production supervisor at Neapco components in Beatrice, Nebraska and we just recently became residents of Washington, Kansas. Between the two of us we have 4 kids, Drew (32); Abbey(21); Denton (20); and Maverick (13).
Of course I can’t leave out our fur kids – Rubble our English Bulldog is 4 and Lenny our yellow Labrador is 2.
Doctorate of Education – Leadership in Administration – Leadership Emphasis (Defense date planning for this Fall)
Bachelors of Arts in Management – Emphasis – Leadership Coaching Bachelors of Science – Health Sciences – Emphasis on Leadership
Get to Know Courtney
Favorite Scripture:
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?:
Call Heaven and talk to my parents
The most important thing you want people to know about you?:
I followed my heart – I have a great understanding that life is too short not to fill it with the purpose we are on this earth for.
Emeritus Faculty
Dr. C. Franklin Karns
A.B., Cincinnati Bible Seminary, 1943; B.A., Ashland College, 1944
M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1962, 1964
Dr. Donn A. Leach
Professor Emeritus of Bible (1999)
A.B., Lincoln Christian College, 1950
B.D., Butler University School of Religion, 1953
M.A., Butler University School of Religion, 1954
D. Theology, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1960
Part-Time and Adjunct Faculty
Nancy Blockcolsky (njblock@mccks.edu)
Alex Burnett-Hayes (aburnetthayes@mccks.edu)
Julie Delort (jdelort@mccks.edu)
Melissa Ferraro (mferraro@mccks.edu)
Dr.Timothy Holgerson (tholgerson@mccks.edu)
Candy Johansen (cjohansen@mccks.edu)
Alisha Paddock (apaddock@mccks.edu)
Chris Pahls (cpahls@mccks.edu)
Robert Pugh (rpugh@mccks.edu)
Ron Ratliff (rratliff@mccks.edu)
Laura Sapp (lsapp@mccks.edu)
Dr. John Strifler (jstrifler@mccks.edu)
Larry Thompson (lthompson@mccks.edu)
Dr. Russ York (ryork@mccks.edu)
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