MCC Alerts

Receive emergency alerts

Sign up at MCC Alerts page (hosted by Moblie-Text-Alerts) or text “mccksalerts” to 74121


What is MCC Alerts?

MCC Alerts uses automated phone calls and text messaging to alert you to college closings and crisis situations. MCC Alerts is one strategy of the greater college-wide emergency communications effort. In the event of an emergency, campus authorities are able to dispatch alerts and information directly to you through a variety of services such as e-mail, postings to the MCC homepage, and text messages. Sign up now!

When will the college send me emergency alerts using MCC Alerts?

MCC Alerts will be used to inform recipients when a dangerous condition exists on campus (e.g. active shooter, storm in process, dangerous debris from storm), when a decision to close the campus has been made or when a decision to reopen the campus following a forced closure has been made.

Who is eligible to sign up for MCC Alerts?

Current students, staff, and faculty are eligible to sign up for MCC Alerts. If desired, MCCers could add their parents, children, or spouse’s phone numbers when they sign up for MCC Alerts.

How often is MCC Alerts tested?

Twice per year on specified days. Tests ensure that the MCC Alerts service is functioning properly. You will be notified in advance of the test. If you do not receive the test alert, please verify you are set to receive emergency alerts and that the saved phone numbers are correct and current. If you need assistance, contact the college.

What happens after I graduate or am no longer employed by MCC?

You may disable or delete your MCC Alert account at anytime by texting “stop” to 50597 or replying “stop” to any alert message.

Will I receive unsolicited messages (“SPAM”) as a result of giving my phone number to MCC Alerts?

No. Only authorized personnel are permitted to send emergency alerts using MCC Alerts. In addition, MCC will not sell your contact information to third party marketers.