Joseph Mueller

Assistant Professor of Bible and Theology

Bio & Credentials

B.A. in Bible and Preaching, Johnson University (2007); M.Div. in New Testament, Lincoln Christian University (2013); M.A. in Old Testament, Lincoln Christian University (2015); Ph.D. (ABD) in Old Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary

Get to Know Joe

4 Interesting facts: I’m a big St. Louis Cardinals fan. I’ve broken nine bones. I won a “sandal kick” tournament in college. I once chopped down a tree in the middle of the night over a broken heart.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? The ability to stop time, so I can finish whatever I’m working on without missing out on what’s going on around me.

The most important thing you want people to know about you: Helping others have light-bulb moments is even more rewarding than having one yourself.