Home 9 Academics 9 Academic Programs 9 Traditional Campus 9 Christian Ministry Department 9 Bachelor of Science or Arts in Bible and Christian Ministry with a Residency Emphasis

Why Study Residency at MCC?

The Residency program at MCC provides hands-on experience in a specialized field, enhancing professional skills under the guidance of experienced mentors.

Program Highlights:

  • Intensive on-the-job training with experienced professionals.
  • Development of specialized skills tailored to career goals.
  • Opportunities for networking and professional development.
  • Integration of theoretical knowledge with practical application.
  • Regular evaluations and feedback to foster improvement.
  • Eligibility for certifications and advanced professional standing.

Careers with This Major:

  • Advanced positions in the chosen field of residency.
  • Leadership roles within specialized areas.
  • Consultant or expert in specific industries.
  • Educator or trainer in professional settings.

The fusion of my experiences at MCC and the CCV Leadership Institute worked wonders in developing equipping and refining me in ways I never imagined.

Together, these experiences weren’t just about textbooks and lectures; they were about rolling up your sleeves and learning in step with seasoned pastors.

Working side by side with these experienced leaders provided a depth of practical wisdom and insights that textbooks could never capture. It was a crash course in real-life leadership, preparing me for the dynamic challenges beyond the classroom’s walls.

Ethan Pope, Class of 2016