Manhattan Christian College exists to impact the world for Christ.  Founded in 1927 by Dr. Eugene C. Sanderson, the vision of the college has always been that every student and graduate would be prepared and motivated to impact the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ regardless of their chosen profession.

MCC is a private Christian college with a very strategic location across the street from a major university.  Those two characteristics combine to help MCC provide a unique training ground for young leaders to help them become the best they can be to better the world around them.

The rigorous academic programs are rooted in the Bible and help students receive an education that deepens their knowledge of God’s Word, matures them in their personal relationship with Christ, and prepares them to be able to share the Gospel in their sphere of influence. Students have the opportunities to grow spiritually and intellectually in a variety of settings such as the classroom, chapel, residence halls, mission trips, small groups, local church involvement, and their own personal worship.

MCC’s mission is summed up in these words, “to educate, equip, and enrich Christian leaders.”  To fulfill that mission, leadership training is an intentional focus of the student experience.  Students are prepared to be leaders who serve Christ and others. Hands-on experience is strongly encouraged to help them develop their unique God-given strengths and abilities.

The strength of the MCC experience is found in relationships. The college is a close-knit community of believers where personal relationships with fellow students as well as faculty and staff are the norm. Life-long friendships, that will help support them throughout their life of service, are forged in every facet of the life of the college.


God has called every believer to “go into all the world.”  Manhattan Christian College exists to develop leaders who are first and foremost servants of Christ with a passion to change the world and a willingness to go wherever God leads.

MCC is nondenominational, historically affiliated with the independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ of the Restoration Movement.



Mission Statement

To educate, equip, and enrich Christian leaders to impact the church and the world for Christ



Our Core Values

Manhattan Christian College is a private institution of higher education, committed to the Christian mission of winning the world to Christ. With the conviction that every member of the body of Christ is a minister, the college seeks to foster in all students a worldwide vision of the mission of the church: preparing them to be servant leaders as Christ modeled and challenged us all to become, providing opportunities for spiritual growth toward Christian maturity, and promoting the Restoration Movement ideal of becoming Christ’s church as revealed in the New Testament. Thus, our institutional core values are:

  • Lordship of Christ: All believers should live a life devoted to Jesus Christ, God’s Son, and our Lord and Savior that reflects Christ-like character and conduct.
  • Excellence: As servants of Jesus Christ we must strive for excellence in ministry and life.
  • Applying God’s Word: The inspired Word of God should be normative for faith and practice with effective exegesis used to rightly apply God’s Word to our daily lives.
  • Discipleship: In fulfillment of the Great Commission, all believers, regardless of chosen profession, are included in God’s plan to make disciples of all nations.
  • Evangelism: Christians are commanded to penetrate the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and call all to a saving relationship with Him.
  • Relationships: A Christian must have a high value placed on personal relationships built on God’s love, truth, and grace.
  • Stewardship: All believers are purely stewards of the time, talent, and treasure given to them by God.
  • Heart for learning: A heart for learning and personal growth is important to sustain a lifetime of service and commitment for Christ.
  • Integrity: Christian leaders should live lives of integrity in public and private.
  • Prayer: Practicing a life of prayer and worship is vital to live a life of service to Christ.

Our Statement of Faith

Manhattan Christian College pleads for the unity of all believers on the common ground of commitment and obedience to the lordship of Christ. Believing that creeds of men, however correct, perpetuate sectarianism and create division within the church when made tests of fellowship, we have no creed except faith in Jesus as the Christ, God’s Son and humankind’s Savior. It is our desire to call all people of all nations to faith and obedience to Him as revealed in scripture. When asked, “What do you believe?”, it is tempting to hand one the Bible and suggest, “This is what we believe.” However, for those not familiar with Manhattan Christian College, it may be helpful to identify foundational doctrines taught in our classes based on our understanding of the Scriptures.

  • We believe that there is one God, creator of the universe, eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that we are called to live to the praise of His glory.
  • We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative word of God.
  • We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious death and atonement through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal and visible  return in power and glory.
  • We believe the only terms of salvation that we may proclaim are those expressed in the New Testament: faith, repentance, confession of faith in Jesus Christ, and baptism by immersion in water for the remission of past sins and for the promised presence of the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life, and by whom the church is empowered to carry out Christ’s Great Commission.
  • We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those who are saved unto the resurrection of life and those who are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.



Philosophy of Education

We believe in the role that the Christian college can accomplish within students preparing to serve the Lord. The guiding perspective behind the Manhattan Christian College educational practice is the belief that God has created, redeems, and is recreating all things. We believe that college education can facilitate transformational change for students and subsequently for those whom students influence in the present and the future. That transformational change is comprised of theological, ethical, social, and professional education regardless of a student’s chosen profession.

Since we believe that education occurs both within the classroom and outside of it, we are committed to an educational approach that acknowledges formal and informal learning environments.

Our commitment to this transformational change at Manhattan Christian College is founded on four

  • Learning Environment: We are all students and teachers engaged in lifelong learning and a spirit of inquiry characterized by self-awareness, dialogue, and relational connectedness. The learning environment is characterized by mutual trust, mutual respect, mutual helpfulness, freedom of expression, and acceptance of difference. The learning environment is collaborative and co-creative. Faculty and students co-create the space within which material is presented, discussed, and applied. A goal is to create a supportive space within which communication and learning may occur.
  • Active Learning – The student’s active involvement in the learning process is essential to good practice. Faculty serve not only as teachers but also as facilitators of learning. They manage the learning process by engaging students in a variety of activities leading to an understanding of course content along with development of academic and professional competence.
  • Collaboration – Students benefit from opportunities to network, learn from others, and share resources and ideas. The learning community provides a space for collaboration and connection.
  • Emphasis on Application and Relevance – The best learning occurs when bridges are built between new knowledge and the learner’s experience. Education is not complete until acquisition of knowledge matures into relevant application.