Thunder Online Student Concerns


If you have a concern related to an MCC Thunder Online course, please take the following steps:

1. Discuss the issue thoroughly with the teacher or other involved school employee(s). If there is no resolution continue to Step 2.
2. Discuss the issue with the Director of Thunder Online. If there is no resolution continue to Step 3.If there is no resolution continue to Step 3.
3. Discuss the issue with the Vice President of Academics. If there is no resolution continue to Step 4.
4. If there is no satisfactory resolution, file a written complaint with KBOR using the KBOR SARA

The Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) is authorized to investigate complaints received from out-of state students enrolled in programs offered by Kansas based “State Authorization Reciprocal Agreement” (SARA) member institutions. MCC is a SARA member institution.

Out-of-state students enrolled in programs offered by a Kansas-based SARA member institution, and who reside in a different state that is also a party to the SARA Agreement, may make a complaint regarding that program and institution by using the KBOR SARA COMPLAINT FORM.

If you are a student who resides in a SARA member state other than Kansas, who is or was enrolled in an program offered by a Kansas-based SARA member institution, and you wish to make a complaint about that school or program, please complete this form and attach copies of any additional documents you believe will provide pertinent information.
Complete this online form and upload all associated documents to