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Spring Free Bible Class

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Spring Free Bible Class

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Vision 360 Banquet

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Spring Free Bible Class

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Spring Free Bible Class

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Spring Free Bible Class

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We can’t predict the future, but we can plan for it.

2024 Spring Living Trust ButtonFinancial Planning Ministry (FPM) takes the mystery out of estate planning, guiding you and your family through a straightforward process allowing you to design a legacy plan that blesses your family and honors God. MCC has partnered with FPM to provide you with the opportunity to make decisions, pass on your values AND your valuables, and start planning for your future.

Attend a FREE Webinar:

Monday, October 7, 2024, 7:00 p.m. Central Time

Monday, January 27, 2025, 7:00 p.m. Central Time

Key Takeaways

* Learn the advantages and disadvantages of wills and living trusts.

*Learn how to protect your children’s inheritance.

*Learn how to protect your heirs from themselves and ensure that the blessings God has given you are put to good use.

*Learn simple steps to keep the courts out of our private healthcare and financial decisions.

*Learn how you can provide a lifetime of care to a special needs family member.

Benefits to Participants

*MCC is providing this service to you at no charge as a thank you for your partnership.

*FPM is a ministry that specializes in trusts for families and individuals like you for over 33 years.

*There is no cost or obligation.  No pressure to buy anything or do anything beyond the seminar.  Do it or don’t do it.  There is no follow-up (No phone calls, mailings or emails) unless you want it.

*FPM will serve your trust needs the rest of your life at no charge including updates that are needed when laws change or when family needs change.

*Best of all, you can leave a gift to one or more of your favorite non-profits that will bless their ministry for years to come!


Contact Jolene 785-539-3571 or